
Bianka Panova Sport and Art Academy

Gymnastics for Kids



Drills For Eye-Hand Coordination Improvement

The sport of rhythmic gymnastics requires its athletes to throw and catch, roll, rotate, and twirl their different apparatus in the air or on parts of their bodies. Because of this, eye-hand coordination is one of the basic skills a beginner rhythmic gymnast must learn before she could do well at her chosen sport. This should go hand in hand with her balance, flexibility, and strength.

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Simple Exercises for Upper Body Strength

In a sport like gymnastics, be it rhythmic or artistic, it is important for gymnasts to have good upper body strength to be able to perform a routine perfectly. If our kids wanted to be gymnasts and they haven’t enrolled to any class yet, before we enroll them we can begin by teaching them simple workouts they can do at home for a couple of weeks so their bodies are conditioned before joining the sport.

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Exercise’s Effects To Our Distracted Child

As parents of distracted children, such as those with ADHD or autism, we often wonder how we could contain our children’s excessive energy. We also ask ourselves a lot more questions like should we use only pharmaceutical help? Should we follow special diets or let them take nutritional supplements? Do they need to be disciplined more? Is there an outlet we could teach to our child so he could release his energy there while at the same time being beneficial to him and his condition?

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Positive Effects of Physical Activity on Mental Health

We are all aware of all of the physical benefits exercise can offer to our bodies. It is known that engaging in physical activity, especially on a regular basis, can promote positive effects on one’s physical fitness. Regular exercise can help you lose excess weight, improve cardiovascular function, increase muscle size and strength, keep your body in better shape, and it also promotes better metabolism.

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How To Stay Physically Active While Staying Social

As we get older, we start to see the importance of having a wide social network and staying physically active. Our social circles, specifically our friends and peers, are there to make us laugh, back us up in times of trouble and help us feel and stay happy. In addition, engaging in a physical activity on a regular basis can boost your mood, improve your circulation and help you feel better and healthier.

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Ensuring Safety in Gymnastics For Kids

Gymnastics is such a beautiful and fun physical activity. Aside from being such an enjoyable sport, participating in it offers a wide range of health benefits that you can enjoy.

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Gymnastics can Improve the Brain Function of Children

Did you know that children’s weight and physical activity levels can affect their thinking and learning skills?

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Pride of Representing Singapore Keeps Gymnast Hoe Wah Toon Motivated

Prior to his bronze medal feat at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow last year, Hoe Wah Toon, a Singaporean gymnast, had never won a medal to make it to the podium in his entire competitive career.

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Special Olympics PEI added Bocce Ball and Rhythmic Gymnastics to Attract Participants

The organizers of Special Olympics P.E.I roster this summer has added bocce ball and rhythmic gymnastics in an effort to attract more participants

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